
Open Minds aims to increase the digital skills of one of the key sectors of European civil society: that covering social and cultural players and the broad public with whom they are in contact. The needs in terms of digital transition increased during the health crisis, which highlighted the extent of the digital divide and the need to increase digital skills.

To develop the project, we proposed to work along three lines: free access to a database of free software resources, a training environment for socio-cultural players, and regular publications to encourage change towards free software.

License Creator and Rights: Thom Quine

SAve the date

11 April in Brussels
A conference-debate and a round table will be held to mark the public presentation of the platform.
Programme (provisional)
9am Welcome coffee
9.30am-10am Presentation of the Open Minds portal
10-11am Conference-debate Bringing the Internet to citizens: associations have a major strategic role to play
11am-11.15am Break
11.15-12.45 Round table: Towards a free and independent digital Europe
1pm Cocktail reception

Register to our Open Source Digital Solutions Platform

A way to collaborate across the Europe to share and learn about open source solutions for the socio-cultural sector.

Open source digital solutions platform

Digital training courses